Key to Success Maintaining Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Of the many factors that influence business success, be it a service business or a retail business, it cannot be denied that customer satisfaction and loyalty are among the most crucial. Don't get complacent when you make a sale. An important moment actually occurs afterward, namely how you maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty so that they will return to buy your product or re- order .

Although it may sound challenging, the good news is that there are quite a few ways you can do to maintain customer loyalty and satisfaction. These methods are also not only about marketing strategies. Curious? You can immediately check some of them below!

Make a follow-up customer after purchase

As mentioned earlier, just getting the customer to buy the product is not enough. After that, you still have to work hard to ensure that they are satisfied with your products and services so that loyalty is maintained. Therefore, you are encouraged to follow up with customers after the purchase.

Show that you really care about your customers by not ignoring them. For example, you can send an email to the customer, and then ask them to give ratings on products and services. Alternatively, you can also simply send an email thanking you for your customer's trust in you.

Uses a simple point system

Another way that is quite popular among business people to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty is by holding loyalty programs. They apply a simple point system to this program. So, when customers buy your product for a certain value, they will get points in multiples. The collected points can later be exchanged for customers with various attractive rewards such as discounts or freebies.

Loyalty programs with a point system are usually more suitable for businesses that sell products in the form of goods or retail businesses, such as cosmetic shops, supermarkets, or department stores.

Notify in advance if there are certain costs

For those who have a business shop online through the website, you must have met the customer who does not make a purchase when they've Men- submit items to the cart. This is known as cart abandonment.

Reporting from Hubspot , a study shows that cart abandonment in retail, fashion and travel can reach 75.6%. This is due to additional costs such as taxes and shipping fees that make customers have to pay more. Well, if things like this can be above, you can increase customer loyalty and satisfaction. The trick is to tell customers about these costs from the start.

One company that has successfully implemented this is Amazon, one of the world's e-commerce giants. Amazon has Amazon Prime, a paid subscription service that not only provides streaming video and music content , but also free delivery access. Early on, Amazon told customers that to enjoy all of that, customers had to pay $ 10.99 per month. This way, customers will not feel cheated.

Collaboration with other companies to provide more benefits

This one tip can also be called a strategic partnership. Strategic partnerships can be very effective in retaining customers and maintaining their loyalty. By working with other companies, you can provide extra benefits that you might not be able to provide if you work alone. Of course, you have to choose a company that fits your business.

For example, let's say you sell women's shampoo. You can work with several salons in certain cities to provide attractive offers to customers. For example, you can give a haircut or cream bath voucher for every purchase of certain shampoo products. Not only pleasing customers, you can also simultaneously expand your business network .

Simplify transactions and payments

Maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty can also be done as simply as providing an easy transaction and payment process. Easy payment transaction processing can certainly increase the convenience and positive customer experience of your business. Their loyalty can increase by itself.

For those who have offline businesses , such as restaurants, cafes, boutiques, or others, you can use accounting software such as Sleekr Accounting which is integrated with the point of sales system from Moka POS and iSeller . . Point of sales is a cash register application that has integrated each device, as well as the data recorded on it. So, even daily transactions can be automatically recorded in business books. The invoice billing feature in Sleekr Accounting will also help you to get payments from customers .

Customers are the most important key in the continuity of your business.

Penginapan Netral

If you spend time trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything

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