Mouth Feel Dry? Beware of the Cause and the Result!

Dry mouth is not a serious problem. That's what most people think. For a moment this condition feels like something trivial, but in fact, if the lack of saliva in the oral cavity occurs continuously, it could be a sign of something serious.

Cause the mouth feels dry
A dry mouth can have many effects, from the harmless to the most alarming. The cause of dry mouth needs to be explored in detail so that there is no mistake in handling it. Dry mouth can be triggered by one particular drug, such as antihistamines for allergies, depression medication, and so on. Use of narcotics, drinking alcohol, and smoking can also contribute. If you are undergoing chemotherapy, it is possible that chemotherapy drugs can also cause dry mouth. In certain cases, damage to nerves or certain diseases can cause this condition, such as diabetes, stroke, HIV / AIDS, Alzheimer's, and so on. Likewise with sleep disorders, such as snoring, sleep apnea, breathing through the mouth, and so on. Sometimes, dry mouth can be caused by other things, such as the use of lipstick that sticks to the teeth, and not drinking enough water. In addition, this condition can also be caused by an immune system disorder called Sjogren's syndrome.

The consequences that can be experienced
Don't underestimate the dry sensation of your mouth! Apart from being annoying, dry mouth can cause other problems, such as sores in the mouth or in the corners of the mouth, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, bad smelling mouth, and dry lips. These conditions not only cause minor disturbances, but can also cause irritation. serious, such as increased dental plaque, tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and fungal infections in the mouth. While dry, the mouth seems unable to cause any damage to teeth, but dry mouth can decrease the production of saliva which is a natural tooth cleaner. . A decrease in saliva production can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Symptoms of a dry mouth
Dry mouth is sometimes harmless and can be treated by drinking water. However, you need to watch out for dry mouth that doesn't go away with the following symptoms:

  • Bad-smelling breath
  • Difficulty chewing, speaking, and swallowing
  • Difficulty using dental care
  • Changes in the sense of taste
  • Thick, stringy saliva
  • Dry, painful, hoarse throat
  • Dry and sticky taste in the mouth
  • Dry and squiggly tongue

Check the cause of dry mouth

The doctor will find out the cause of the dry mouth before providing appropriate treatment for the sufferer. In addition to examining the mouth and asking about medical records and medicines being consumed, the doctor may perform other examinations, such as:
  • Imaging tests to view the salivary glands
  • Blood test
  • A test to measure the level of saliva produced
  • Removal of tissue from the salivary glands in the lip to check for Sjogren's syndrome (biopsy)

Is there a way to deal with dry mouth?
A dry mouth that causes discomfort should be checked by a doctor immediately so that you can get the right treatment. The doctor will give you drugs to increase saliva production or products that can replace saliva. However, you can try to do certain things to reduce the sensation you feel. Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and certain drugs that trigger the side effects of these conditions should be avoided because they can worsen oral conditions. Mouthwash and toothpaste that contain alcohol also need to be avoided. Chewing gum or sugar-free gum can be relied on to stimulate the production of saliva in your mouth. Water consumption should not be forgotten, try to be able to consume enough water every day. When chewing, you can mix food with gravy, sauce, etc. to make the food more moist and mushy to eat. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and salt, and dry. Eat foods that are not hot. Breathe in using your nose, because breathing through your mouth can make your mouth feel even drier. You can also turn on a humidifier to add humidity to your bedroom.

Hopefully the tips above can help reduce dry mouth conditions. However, if the dry mouth problem you experience does not go away or gets worse, consult a doctor immediately.

Penginapan Netral

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