Benefits of Cantigi Leaf Efficacy for Skin Beauty

Cantigi leaves may still be foreign to your ears. Plants that grow in coastal areas and some in the mountains actually have benefits for staying young. By boiling cantigi leaves, then drinking it regularly will make your face look young and toned. Is it true? Cantigi leaves with beautiful flowers, can actually make you look younger. Maybe for you the name cantigi leaves is not familiar, but among nature lovers who usually climb mountains and often go to the beach, cantigi leaves are very well known. Even among mountain climbers, cantigi is often used as a guide for climbing steep areas because of its strong roots. Hikers usually take advantage of a collection of cantigi trees as a shelter from storms.

Cantigi can be divided into two types, namely cantigi leaves that grow on rocky beaches and cantigi leaves that grow in mountains. For cantigi that grows on the beach, many can be found in the area of ​​South Serang Beach, South Cibareno Beach in Sukabumi and the Thousand Islands. Cantigi plants in mountains grow above 1,500 meters above sea level, such as on Mount Papandayan, Patuha Mountains (South Bandung), Tangkuban Perahu, and Mount Gede-Pangrango, as well as Mount Merbabu, Mount Lawu and Mount Slamet.

The name cantigi is called by the people of West Java is suwagi, while in other areas this tree is called manis rejo or brenganyi (Central Java and East Java), kalimuntiang (West Sumatra), sikil (Malay) and deliam montak (East Kalimantan). This plant, which is called the hop bush in English, is also often used as an ornamental bonsai plant. Cantigi (Vaccinium varingiaufolium) is a herbaceous plant found in Asia, has thick and small leaves, with green, red and purple colors, and brownish red stems. The fruit is black and round like a berry. The tree grows in the form of a small tree or shrub with branches with one trunk. The flowers are like orchids with red color and the size of the cantigi flowers in the mountains is bigger than the cantigi flowers on the beach.

Cantigi is known as a fever medicine and body freshener, and the fruit can add nutrients. Cantigi leaves are also said to have the ability to tighten the skin and overcome premature wrinkles, so that a person looks younger. Cantigi itself, contains anthocyanins which are antioxidants so that they can make you stay young, especially the dark fruit. Cantigi can have these benefits because according to A. Jamaluddin herbalis, the working system of cantigi leaves is to remove toxins or toxins so that if the body is poison-free it makes a person's aura radiate.

Cantigi Leaf Stew. To get the benefits of cantigi leaves as a remedy for fine wrinkles, cantigi leaves are taken which grow on the seashore of the South Coast of Serang. Some of the leaves are taken, then washed and boiled with three cups of star fruit until boiling. After boiling, then let stand until the water becomes warm, then filtered.

When boiled, cantigi water is reddish like tea water. This cantigi leaf water decoction is drunk twice a day, in the morning and at night before going to bed, just like you drink tea. If you want to drink cantigi leaf boiled water, it should be done after eating or the stomach is not empty so as not to cause stomach problems. When you drink it, you don't need to worry about the bitter taste, because this cooking water has no smell and tastes bland on the tongue.

If taken regularly every morning and night, within a week the results will be seen, namely the face is more radiant even without make up. In addition, the face will look youthful because the processed cantigi leaves are able to disguise fine wrinkles. In fact, the body will feel light, refreshed and facial skin will also become firmer.

Besides being boiled, cantigi leaves can also be used by affixing it directly to the face. Fresh, dried or powdered Qantigi leaves are used as an astringent to heal wounds, swelling, burning, pain and ulcers. In addition, cantigi leaves also function as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, antiviral and hypotensive agent. Cantigi leaves can also be used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders, skin disorders and wound healing. Because it is made from natural ingredients, this cantigi leaf is safe for consumption.

To get cantigi leaves, besides being obtained directly from mountainous areas or beaches, it can also be obtained at herbal shops. One of them is cantigi leaves, which can be obtained from herbalist Jamaluddin who opened a practice in Sabang, Central Jakarta, Serang, Banten, and Medan, North Sumatra. In addition, cantigi leaves can also be obtained at ornamental plant shops.

Stay young. According to dr. Harsono Martowijono, SpKK, a specialist in skin and genitalia, if signs of aging such as fine wrinkles are already on the skin, they are usually treated with antiaging creams. This cream serves to prevent aging, brighten the skin, protect the skin from sun exposure, and treat premature aging.

If the use of cream is deemed not giving results, it can be combined with various skin rejuvenation treatments, chemical peels, Botox and facelifts. Overcoming wrinkled skin can also be done by applying a liquid that is exfoliating, making the skin die and replacing it with new skin. After that, the liquid will stimulate the skin pads to grow into a collagen layer, so that the skin fills up and looks younger.

Regarding aging, the signs of skin aging begin when a person enters the age of three. There are two factors that cause aging, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors usually occur due to the process of increasing age. Meanwhile, external factors are usually caused by direct exposure to sunlight, air pollution, drugs, excessive and age-inappropriate use of cosmetics, unhealthy food, lack of sleep or suffering from a disease that can lead to premature wrinkles.

Skin aging caused by external factors can heal in various ways. The first step to prevent wrinkled skin is to provide vitamins, provide moisture, provide adequate nutrition and are needed by the skin. In addition, be diligent in cleaning your face regularly and regularly according to your skin type, avoiding direct sun exposure, pollution, meeting your body's fluid needs, and eating nutritious and nutritious foods.

Thus an explanation of the benefits of cantigi leaves for body health which is useful for treating diseases and treating skin problems that you need to know, especially women who are concerned with beauty on the skin in a natural traditional way which is very nutritious for the health of our bodies.

Penginapan Netral

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