The question is, how potent is the use of masks to prevent COVID-19? Minister of Health (Menkes) RI, Terawan Putranto already said firmly, the use of masks to ward off corona viruses only applies to the sick. In short, healthy people do not need to use masks. So, really healthy people are not encouraged to use masks?
Firmly use masks, not for healthy people
Explanation of Menkes matching the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO explains, the use of masks is only recommended for the sick, instead of healthy people. Menkes Terawan also reminded, so that healthy people do not make contact with the sick. While the sick person is encouraged to restrict his activities.
Corona virus panic related masks do not only occur in Indonesia alone. This condition is also experienced by the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. society does not really need a mask. They bought it because of fear.
CDC says, healthy people in the US should not wear masks. The reason is, masks do not protect them from the latest coronavirus type. According to the US Surgeon General, masks can actually increase the risk of infection if not properly used.
What about medical workers who take care of COVID-19? Well, they are appropriate to use masks because of the high risk of contracting this virus. Then, when is the right time to use a mask? It's his tips from WHO.
- If your condition is healthy, you just have to wear a mask if you care for the person suspected of being infected with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask if you cough or sneeze.
- Masks are effective when coupled with clean hand conditions. Wash your hands using alcohol or soap and water.
- If you're wearing masks, then you should know how to use them and throw them right.
The opposite is true, masks should be used by sick people or those who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. The goal is obvious, to protect others from this mysterious viral infection.
Make sure the pain that you are experiencing is not because of corona viruses. If you suspect yourself or a family member has a Corona virus infection, or it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of COVID-19 with the flu, immediately ask the doctor.
Non-Airborne diseases
The use of masks in the case of a Wuhan virus or COVID-19 is in fact accompanied by many unfounded theories. Some say corona viruses can spread by air (airborne disease) causing panic. For example, as deputy head of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Shanghai, China.
It says, it is possible that corona viruses can be transmitted through air. How is the fact? This claim poses controversy. According to the expert from the Center for Chinese Disease Control and Prevention, there is no underlying scientific evidence.
The objtion also comes from a viral expert at the Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre. The expert said, the statement is only a wild claim without supporting evidence.
Still don't believe it? Hearken to the report made by WHO in Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). WHO clearly says, the spread over air has not been reported for the COVID-19. Aerial dissemination is not believed to be the main driver of the transmission based on available evidence.
In addition to WHO, experts at CDC US also agree. Wuhan Corona Virus is transmitted through the breathing droplets of the infected person. This droplet or splash can come out through coughing or sneezing.
Still according to the CDC, this virus transmission can also be through an object that has been contaminated with corona viruses. The process occurs when a person touches the surface of a virus-contaminated object, and touches the mouth, nose or eyes. However, transmission through contaminated objects is not regarded as the primary transmission.
Other experts from the National Institutes of Health-MedlinePlus said the virus COVID-19 is expected to spread to people in close contact (about 1.8 meters). When COVID-19 can cough or sneeze, infected droplets may spray into the air.
Well, you can be infected with this disease when inhaling the particles. In short, COVID-19 spread through droplet, aka a splash of cough or sneezing from the Pengidapnya. This Droplet can enter the body through the eyes, nose or mouth.
In conclusion, it has not been found evidence that this corona-Wuhan virus could be contagious in free air or airborne disease. This mysterious Virus found the slime or droplet. Want to know an example of diseases of airborne disease? Call it tuberculosis and legionellosis.