In addition, pineapple is also rich in bromelain that can launch the digestive system and have an antiin character × Amasi.Not only that, pineapple can also increase your body metabolism.
The pineapple Diet has the power to neutralize the effects of excessive eating as well as toxins that go into the body because it consumes unhealthy food. The pineapple Diet can help lose body weight by 3 kg in one week.
Pineapple is a hypo-calorie fruit, in 100 grams of pineapple contains 40 calories. Eat pineapple in fresh condition and cook and put in the ice cupboard in reverse condition, so that the sugar content can be distributed in a flat way.
Cut and eat speedily so that you can enjoy all the content of vitamin C, which is prime for collagen formation, which is a compound that can
Improve skin elasticity. Time to do the pineapple diet,
You must avoid:
Cheese and processed meat products
Alcohol and power drinks.
Consume at least 2 cups of tea one day, as well as 2 liters of white water
But remember, this diet is only advisable for those of you who have
Good health condition. Pineapple Diet is not recommended for
Diabetic patients and inflammation of the intestine, people with allergies
In pineapple and have liver and kidney problems.
The Pineapple Diet menu for a day.
Breakfast: Pineapple Juice, 1 piece (free) and 1 cup
- Snacks: Natural pineapple Juice without any sugar.
- Lunch: 4 Irislah Pineapple and 1 loaf of bread
- Snacks: Pineapple Juice and 1 apple fruit.
- Dinner: 2 Irislah pineapple, 50 gr rice and 1
Tea cups.
Pineapple Diet Menu for 3 days:
- Day 1: Just consume fresh pineapple and white water
- Day 2: Pineapple, White water and 2 cans of tuna (one for meals
- Day, another for the night).
Day 3: Same as with 1st day.
- The main intention of this diet is to rule out excellence
- Toxins and impurities from your body. So you'll
- Lose some kg of your body weight, but
- Your body weight will be back on when you come back at
- Your unhealthy lifestyle.
Therefore, you are advised to enter the pineapple
Into your daily menu, because this sweet fruit can
Make you feel full longer and press
desire to convert sweet food.