Use This Way To Get Rid Of Anchor It Takes 4 Hours, !! Your Disease Will End
Use This Way To Get Rid Of Anchor It Takes 4 Hours, !! Your Disease Will End - Our ancestors have extensive experience in curing various types of diseases, and they know a powerful recipe to cure it.
Then, some of the ways it was passed on to their children and grandchildren from one generation to another. One of the powerful recipes, one of which is what we will review below.

The recipe below, is recognized as being very efficient in curing sore throats and tonsils. The recipe bears a faster recovery, which is only in 4 hours. This
he is the recipe.

Pour 200 ml of water into 80 grams of cumin seeds and simmer for 15 minutes.
You will get a non-thin elastic mass similar to coffee grounds.
Strain and give 50 ml of water and bring to a boil again.
Chill and give 1 tablespoon of konyak or brandy.
The medicine is ready to drink.

Consumption steps:
Drink one tablespoon every 30 minutes.
After 2 hours, the pain in the throat will begin to disappear and you will easily swallow.

After 4 hours, you can end healing.
For some more chronic problems, you can take it for long periods of time.
This drink can be referenced also for you who are susceptible to flu and often suffer from sore throats and tonsils. (Source)


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