Red Betel Leaf, Apparently Can Eliminate 29 Diseases

Red Betel Leaf, Apparently Can Eliminate 29 Diseases
Red betel leaf has many benefits for curing various diseases, below is the explanation:

1. Cough cough 
The first benefit of red betel leaf is that it can cure a cough. The trick is to prepare 4 betel leaves, 3 sheets of bidara upas leaves and honey as needed. Betel leaves sliced, then boiled in unison leaves of bidara upas in 2 cups of water until it boils. After a cold, more honey as needed, then the mixture is made to rinse. Try to reach the esophagus.

2. Reduce ASI production 
Excessive milk production can be overcome by using red betel leaves. It's easy, take 4 betel leaves and apply with coconut oil. Then roast it on the fire, never burning. In conditions are still warm, betel leaves were placed around the breast.

3. Heart disease 
If you experience coronary heart disease, so red betel leaves can be an alternative to treat it. The trick is to prepare 3 betel leaves, 7 use kemukus seeds, 3 cloves of shallot, and 1 tablespoon of white cumin. Everything is crushed until smooth, plus 5 tablespoons of hot water, spent a few minutes, then squeezed and filtered. The potion is taken 2 times 1 day and is done regularly.

4. Cure Sefilis 
The benefits of betel leaf can cure sefilis, how to easily provide 25-30 pieces of betel leaf together with the stem, 1/4 kg palm sugar and salt as needed. Everything is boiled together with 2 liters of water to boiling, then filtered. The potion is taken 3 times 1 day continuously.

5. Bronchitis 
Prepare 7 betel leaves and 1 piece of rock sugar. Betel leaves chopped, then boiled together with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil until only 1 glass, and filtered. The potion is taken 3 times a day 3 tablespoons.

6. Dealing with diarrhea 
Diarrhea is one of the diseases that can make you go back and forth to the bathroom, if you experience diarrhea you can try to overcome it by using betel leaves by taking 6 betel leaves, 6 peppers and 1 tablespoon of oil. Then mash all three ingredients until smooth, then rub on the stomach of the diarrhea patient.

7. Cure bleeding gums 
If you experience bleeding in the gums, the benefits of betel leaves a natural way out, just treat with betel leaves. The trick, take 4 betel leaves and then boiled in two glasses of water until boiling. After a cold, the cooking water is used to rinse. Work repeatedly until recovering.

8. Cure Nosebleeds 
If you often experience nosebleeds or bleeding on the nose, you can stop it by using betel leaves. You do this by taking a piece of betel leaves are rather young, then crushed, roll while pressed until the oil comes out. Then use it to clog your nose until it doesn't bleed anymore.

9. Cure cavities 
If you have a toothache due to cavities, as soon as possible take a betel leaf and boil it with two glasses of water to boil. Betel leaf boiled water is used for gargling. Work repeatedly until he recovers.

10. Cure Cancer 
Betel leaf can be useful to cure cancer, you can use it to treat it by taking a portion of betel leaf, then boil until the water shrinks to 1/4 side, then take the water from the betel leaf decoction, mix with honey. Drink 3 times a day while still warm.

11. Streamlining urination 
Betel leaf shaped diuretic which is useful for expediting urination. If you have difficulty urinating, you can try using betel leaf to make it smooth by making betel leaf juice. The trick is by mixing betel leaf juice with honey and milk, then drink it once a week.

12. Cure scab or itching 
One of the benefits of betel leaf is that it can cure scabs and itching caused by germs and fungi. You can treat it just by boiling the betel leaves, then boiled water is used for bathing or it can also cleanse the skin that is itchy. You do this by taking 15 to 20 betel leaves, then clean and boiled. As much as possible use betel leaf boiled water in still warm conditions.

13. Cure Acne 
For those of you who have problems with acne and immediately want to eliminate it, trust in the benefits of betel leaf. You can use betel leaves by taking 8 to 10 betel leaves, then clean, squeeze or mashed roughly, then brew with hot water and use the water to clean the wound. Work this way up to 2 or 3 times a day.

14. Get rid of Body Odor 
You have a problem with body odor, and want to eliminate it in a natural way. You can try it by using betel leaf to eliminate it, because the benefits of betel leaf can handle body odor. The trick is to take 5 betel leaves and boil with two glasses of water. Wait until only 1 cup is left. Then drink it in the afternoon. Work this way until the body odor disappears.

15. Benefits of Betel Leaves can Cure Boils 
If you have a boil, so you can use betel leaves to treat it. The way is so easy, just by pounding the old betel leaves as needed, then add to the space that is attacked by boils. So that the betel leaf does not come off, it's better to use a cloth dressing.

16. Cure Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) 
Take three sheets of red betel leaf from the old leaf to six or seven from the shoots. Clean up further then slice it in small pieces. Then, boil with 3 cups of water (600 ml) until boiling to ½ cup. Then, take the ingredients one day three times before eating. Once drink ½ cup.

17. Cure Prostate Inflammation 
Provide 6 young red betel leaves (shoot side). Clean and then slice into small pieces, then boil with 2 cups water (400 ml) until boiling until the remaining 1 cup. After that, strain and drink the mixture at once after it cools down (can add 2 teaspoons of pure honey) twice a day.

18. Cure TB 
Provide 6 pieces of betel leaves that have been aged middle or large size of 4-5 sheets. Clean and washed up to 3 times, then cut into small pieces and boiled with 3 cups water (600 ml) until boiling until the remaining 1 ½ cup. After that, strain and drink the mixture when warm three times a day. Once drink as much as ½ cup. To avoid a very bitter taste, you can add 1 teaspoon of pure honey or lime juice.

19. Cure Gout 
Take 7 pieces of middle red betel leaf along with the stem for 15 cm. Clean and then slice into small pieces and boiled with 4 cups water (800 ml) until the remaining 2 cups. Then, strain and drink the mixture when warm 2x one day. Once drink ½ cup. You can add 2 teaspoons of pure honey and lime juice. The former can be drunk the next day after it is heated first.

20. Cure Breast Cancer and Uterus 
Provide 6 large size betel leaves along with their stems for 15 cm (try to select red betel leaves whose sides are flat red and fresh). Red betel leaves and stems are washed thoroughly, boiled with 4 cups water (800 ml) until boiling until the remaining 2 cups, then filtered. Drink the mixture when warm 2 times a day, drink ½ cup once. You can add 2 teaspoons of pure honey.

21. Cure Hemorrhoids 
Take 7 betel leaves and then clean and sliced ​​into small pieces. After that, boil the red betel with 3 cups water (600 ml) until boiling until the remaining 1 ½ cup. After filtering and cold, the concoction is taken three times a day, once drinking ½ cup. You can add 2 teaspoons of pure honey.

22. Cure Kidney Disease 
8 pieces of red betel leaves are still young (leaf side shoots). Clean clean, cut into small pieces, then boiled with 4 cups water (800 ml) until the remaining 1 ½ cup. After that, filter and precipitate the ingredients first. After a cold concoction taken three times a day, once drink ½ cup and can be added with pure honey 2 teaspoons.

23. Cure Hepatitis or inflammation of the liver 
Take 6 pieces of dark red betel leaves have a large size then clean with running water in a way many times. Then, boil the red betel leaves with 4 cups (800 ml) of water to boil until the remaining 1½ cups. After that, drink the mixture three times a day with the size of ½ cup. It's better if you add 3 teaspoons of honey every time you drink.

24. Deal with burns 
Provide some red betel leaves and then clean. Squeeze the water and then add a little honey. After that, place the burn on the spot. (For problems with burns that are not mild, it should be taken to the doctor immediately)

25. Cure ulcers 
Provide some red betel leaves, then clean. Then grind until smooth, then sprinkle with a little hot water in the stomach. Change 2 x a day.

26. Cure Red Eyes
Pick 5 or 6 young red betel leaves, cook with hot water, then wait until the water is cold, then wash the affected eyes. Work three times a day until the eyes heal.

27. Reduce acne 
Provide 7 to 10 red betel leaves, clean and puree. Pour it with two cup of hot water. After that, use the water to clean your face. Do it 2-4 times every day.

28. Dealing with Leucorrhoea 
Provide 10 red betel leaves and then clean. Then brew with around 3 liters of warm water. Use the soaking water that is still warm to clean your genitals (women).

29. Treating swollen breasts due to giving breast milk 
Take some of the red betel leaves, clean and add a little coconut oil to the leaves. After that, heat the leaf for a while over the fire until it's shriveled. Then, save the leaves in the breast when it is still a little warm

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