How to Make Your Own Hosting

Definition of Hosting

Hosting is a computer device that is a place for webmasters to store files or content on their website to be widely accessed via the internet. And because of the high need for hosting because new websites keep popping up every day, hosting server providers are increasingly mushrooming. However, sometimes many also make their services carelessly and don't even have a basis for it and they also open similar businesses that end up hurting their own customers. Well. starting from here then many think why not make their own hosting server which management can be controlled from home.
Or for those of you who are not satisfied with paid general hosting services, maybe because the service is not good or slow, it's good for you to learn. It's not too difficult to do it, it just takes a few steps to get to your final goal, but as long as you persevere you can.

Developing an online application takes up space on the database as well as on hosting. various hosting provides a large capacity to accommodate data on the application that I will make but the price is very expensive and limited space (even though there is unlimited hosting). If you have your own hosting, then we are more flexible in caring for our data.

Make Your Own Hosting At Home
Here are important points when creating your own home hosting.

1. Have a Computer / Laptop

This is an absolute requirement to create your own hosting at home, here is a computer / laptop as a server where we store our hosting data. For the needs of making your own server, the better the specifications, the better and the maximum when used as our hosting server.

I recommend that the minimum hardware used is as follows:

Processor        : Dualcore

RAM                : 4GB

Hardisk            : 500GB

OS                    : Windows Server/Linux Server

If you have hardware with specifications that are more qualified than the minimum specs above, it is certainly highly recommended. It would be better if you directly use server specs, for example using an Inter Xeon processor.

2. Fast and Stable Internet Connection

Of course, an internet connection is needed when creating your own hosting, especially if you have an application / website that must be online for 24 hours. Fast and stable connection will affect the performance of our hosting server. The firmer and more stable, of course our hosting server will be maximized when used. Shipping, processing and retrieval of data on our hosting will be faster.
How to set up hosting

1. Know the IP address on the internet provider that we use

Enter Google Search then type Ip Check then your Public Ip will be visible. The function of knowing the Public IP here is for the settings on the modem. IP public can be accessed anywhere while connected to the internet.

2. Modem settings

If you are using a speedy provider then you enter in the address bar of your browser, enter your modem username and password then look for the Advance Setup menu. Search for Virtual Server. Furthermore, the settings with data are as follows:

Rule Index: 1, Application: HTTP_Server, Protocol: ALL, Start Port Number: 80 and End Port Number: 80, Local IP Address: use Public IP which we already know in Google Search. After the setting is complete, Save.

3. Create a Virtual-Host via AppServ (Apache)

Your first step should be to install AppServ (Apache) on your server. You can find tutorials on the internet. Open the httpd.conf file using notepad / notepad ++

In the last line Include Script as below:

# Virtual hosts Include conf / httpd-vhosts.conf

Create an httpd-vhosts.conf file next to the httpd.conf data, and input it with the following script code:



DocumentRoot C:\AppServ\www\~virtual\~server\public_html


ErrorLog logs/

CustomLog logs/ common



Replace the IP Address which is red with your Local IP. Save the script that has been created then restart AppServ. After that, register your Public IP at Sign Up first, there we can create a Name Server and point to our Public IP.

Automatic way

For an automatic way to create your own web hosting is by installing the xampp software. Adjust to your computer OS. XAMPP itself already supports various OS including Linux and Windows.

How to Create a Professional Web Hosting Business

For how to create your own professional web hosting for business is to create your own hosting server. There are two types of hosting that we need to know, namely:

Reseller Hosting.

VPS Hosting or Dedicated Server.

To create your own hosting at the reseller hosting level, we can purchase a reseller hosting package like or If we buy a Reseller Hosting package, we will get access to Web Hosting Management. And what is commonly used is WHM.

For how to create a professional business hosting using a VPS or Dedicated Server, we must buy a VPS product. Or we can also create our own from our own computers if we have a static IP address on our internet connection.

If we already have our own VPS, either buy it or make it yourself, we can install WHM on the VPS. Thus you will get access to Hosting Management (WHM) which will manage every client on your web hosting.

For business or professional class, we must have very fast internet access. Because the bandwidth that we need will be very large and unlimited. For how to create your own hosting server, we can install the Linux Server application on the computer. Such as Ubuntu Server, CentOs Server, or other Server Os.

We can also install the Windows version by installing Windows Server on the computer that we want to make as a Hosting Server.

Penginapan Netral

If you spend time trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything

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