Lampung is not only known for its beautiful beaches, but the area also has a facility for breeding and training for elephants in Way Kambas National Park.
Way Kambas National Park in Lampung has been established since 1985 and is the first elephant school in Indonesia. According to information, this location was originally called the Elephant Training Center (PLG), and over the last few years the name has changed to the Elephant Conservation Center (PKG).
The Elephant Conservation Center in Lampung is expected to be able to become an elephant conservation center in domestication, training, breeding and conservation. Until now this PKG has trained more than about 300 elephants that have been distributed to all corners of the country of Indonesia.
In addition to being a place for population preservation, wild elephants, Way Kambas National Park also trains some elephants to carry out interesting attractions, such as elephants used to ride around and operate in the area to lift wood, plow fields or play football.
Way Kambas National Park is also a representative place for lowland forest ecosystems consisting of freshwater swamps, grasslands, or shrubs. That's why at this location we can also see a variety of unique plants and dozens of species of animals, ranging from Sumatran rhinos, reptiles, gibbons and hundreds of species of birds. Because of this biodiversity and animals, Way Kambas National Park is known as one of the attractions known to many foreign tourists.
From the review of the Indonesian Tourism Directory, at the location of Way Kambas National Park there are recorded several tourist destinations that can be visited by local and foreign tourists. The tourists can see the intelligence and expertise of elephants with a variety of attractions with all the interesting activities of Sumatran elephants in the Karangsari Elephant Training Center.
While from camping activities, visitors or tourists can complement the administration by obtaining a permit at the guarding office located in the area of Way Kambas National Park. And for tourists who will conduct research activities in this area there is also a tagging place for Sumatran rhinos in Way Kanan.
The region of the Way Kanan region within the Way Kambas National Park has been equipped with attractive and fairly complete natural laboratories. besides that even in this resort we can get lodging in the form of Resosrt at a rate of Rp. 200,000 / room which provides an attractive tour package to be followed by tourists along the river using a motor boat with a capacity of 6 to 7 people at a price of Rp. 750,000 up to Rp. 1,500,000
In addition we can enjoy nature tourism adventures, Way Kambas National Park also attracts a lot of attention for visitors and tourists who like photography. If we are going to capture pictures of elephants that live in the wild, we can do it on location.
For your friends and loyal readers of the Indonesia Tourism Directory who will stay at the Resort penginpan in the Way Kambas National Park, don't forget to wake up in the morning ... Because every morning we can watch the elephant handler release his elephant around 6.00 in the morning, and at the time we can see the elephants who bathe their elephants before being released in the wild.
For other facilities that we can find in the Way Kambas Park's natural attractions, Lampung, we can get it at the Wildlife Eco Lodge, which is a walled garden which is overgrown with trees with tropical fruits that are about 500 meters from the entrance.
At this Wildlife Eco Lodge location we can find four cottages with each kama that can accommodate 4 people. This room is furnished with a bed, fan, hot water and toilet. All cottage suggestions in this area are facilitated with solar electricity. And also around the inn area there is a restaurant that is open by providing enough Indonesian and European food menus that can be ordered for breakfast to start new activities in the morning. But our advice is good if we want to stay overnight in the Way Kambas National Park Area, we prepare supplies such as adequate food and drinks.
Visitors and tourists who will enter the Way Kambas National Park area are expected to take care of existing permits in Bandar Lampung (Natural Resources Conservation Center 11). The location of this office is about 1/2 kilometer from the Rajabasa Lama bus terminal which is located on the left with an elephant statue icon.
How to get to Way Kambas National Park
For those of us who are going to visit the Way Kambas National Park in Lampung, we can take a bus from Raja Basa Termnal in Bandar Lampung to get to Way Jepara, we can ask to be dropped off at Gajah Batu, Rajabasa Lama Village. After we arrive at Way Jepara we can continue our journey by using motorbike taxi to go to Way Kanan or to the Elephant Training Center (PLG) which is the entrance to Way Kambas National Park.
As for other public transportation alternatives from Bandar Lampungg, we can both bus to the Metro, then the journey continues with the bus that will go to Rajabasa Lama.
For additional information, the last bus that will depart from the Rajabas Lama Bus Terminal is at 3:00 pm, and our presence will be better before arrival, because when it is dusk we will find it difficult to find motorcycle taxi drivers or they are not willing to take us to the Way National Park location Kambas.If we use a private vehicle such as a car or motorcycle, from the island of Sumatra through the Port of Bakahuni Lampung we can follow the route that will take you to the location of Way Kambas National Park by looking inside the Goole Map
Meanwhile, if we are from Bandar Lampung, we can take the route of Kota Bumi Utara and follow the directions of the elephant markers on the road that we are on, the sign will take us to arrive at the location.
Ticket prices for Way Kambas National Park are of two types, namely to enter the elephant conservation area and to Way Kanan Resort at a cost of Rp. 20,000 / person. And to go to the Way Kanan resort area to see the Sumatran Rhinoceros breeding we have to get an entry permit (SIMAKSI) at a cost of Rp. 30,000 / person. Whereas those of us who want to stay overnight in Way Kambas National Park near elephant conservation can request a SIMAKSi letter from the guard post in front.