16 Reasons Blogs were Removed by Google

16 Reasons Blogs were Removed by Google
16 Reasons Blogs were Deleted Google - Google wants to give its users the best access to certain information, unique content, and easy-to-use tools. Google always adds quality until the Website or Blog is the best to get proper treatment.
However, Google has a definite right to block a Site or Blog. That is a consequence of Google in handling problems on a website. But perhaps we consider it to be an arrogant action of Google, even though it is actually the best step for all website users and website visitors.

What is a Google penalty?

Google has changed the quality of the algorithm since December 2000. At that time when Google had confirmed launching the toolbar extension. At that time, the up-date toolbar will start making SEO as we know it today. As well as every year, Google always improves the quality of SEO search engines. Google is starting to get rid of poor quality content and add some good things to some of its users. This is what is meant by a Google penalty.

Why does Google block our Website or Blog?

From time to time. Google always makes revisions with Website content and Blogs to be indexed quickly. He no longer hesitates to block our website which is considered bad. Although Google doesn't provide a clear guide to this kind of thing, there are several arguments for Google to do it. So, try to do the best for our website.

The following 16 reasons why blogs were deleted by Google

Even though we don't understand exactly why Google blocks websites or blogs, we must know some aspects of why Google runs it, one of which is:

1. Backlink

We can do BackLink to promote our Website or Blog. But if we do back links or exchange links with too many outgoing links too much, Google can consider them for manipulation efforts.

2. Spam comments

Generally the comment system on multiple sites and blogs has an automatic spam detection system known as comment moderation. However, many bloggers who disable system comment moderation, the reason is because it will not be time to moderate too many comments. This will be a risky thing for our Site or Blog, Google will consider it to be a suspicious one and have a risk for example with a comment linking the link. Enable automatic spam detection systems for Website or Blog security.

3. Spam Report

Google has provided tools in the form of on-line forms for reporting spam websites. Google will examine and analyze it, if indeed it can be proven spam, then the possibility of a Google penalty would be appropriate for the website.

4. Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a duplicate content on our website which makes it less useful in Google's view. This can reduce pagerank and cause blocking action by Google. We can see and eliminate some duplicate content on the Site and Blog through Google Webmaster Tools.

5. Too Excessive Using tags h1

Application of the H1 tag correctly can indeed help SEO in a Site or Blog. The h1 tag also helps Google to understand what pages and content of the Site or Blog. However, the use of h1 tags that are too excessive can be mistaken for businesses to add to the Google list with keywords.

6. Keyword (keyword) Suffed Content

The purpose of the keyword (keyword) Suffed Content here is that it is too excessive to enter keywords in the website and meta tags for the effort to add pagerank. This is generally done by way of giving bold, italic, underlined, and others on the keyword with too much. Many think that entering too many keywords can beautify and decorate writing. The truth is that this provision cannot be proven, too much in keywords suggests that the written content is not neat. This can cause Google to block the website.

7. Content theft

Google will easily detect a copy paste (copas) content from someone else's page. If too much copy paste content on our site (blog) page, Google is no longer reluctant to give the law. So, create content with your own thoughts, you can copy other people's content, but don't let the content that you publish exactly and copy and paste content on other people's blogs. Other people can also report to Google about the theft we did.

8. A dangerous and suspicious website

A malicious website can take the form of a website as a nest of viruses, malware, spyware, etc. This can be detrimental to some visitors until Google will consider it a threat site.

9. Links to dangerous and suspicious websites

Do not include links that refer to sites that are dangerous and suspicious. Google will also assume our website is a threat.

10. Link to the Asus Website

If we enter a link that refers to the website asusila, then our website is the same as the immoral website. Google will also treat the same to both.

11. Loss of Data from the Sitemap

Google uses an XML sitemap to parse your website structure and learn how it is collected. Make sure our XML sitemap is always up-to-date, and then send it in our Webmaster Tools account.

12. Too many advertisements

If we come to a website with ads filled with pages, what do we feel? Definitely disappointed and really annoying, Google too. We can place a portion of the advertisement for earning facilities, but don't overdo it to fill the page.

13. Hidden Link

All of our Site or Blog links must look useful to some visitors. Whatever is hidden is thought to be suspicious. Don't make the same color link with the background of the page or button, because this is a hidden link.

14. Broken Links

If we are a good blogger, don't give a broken link to some visitors. Google will assume we are playing with a few visitors to a variety of 404 error pages. Check the links regularly and work on repairing broken links, Google machines don't like humans.

15. Too Many Other Web Links We Enter

If we will enter another website link into our Website or Blog, you should not overdo it, Google will consider it for back links.

16. Promoting Website Links or Blogs into Social Networks

For Google, promoting links through some social networks is the potential of SERP manipulation. The proof is that many social networks (like Twitter, Facebook, and others) suspend the user account because they put too many other links into it.

Well, that's the 16 Reasons Blog Is Removed by Google according to I, if there is a shortage, please submit it through the comments column.


Penginapan Netral

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